Using a tool called CiteSpace one is able to visually see the connection between the different scholarly research articles within a controversy. This tool also allows one to see who articles are cited by and thus their interrelation with other articles. The two most influential articles within CCD are as follows:

            The article by Diana Cox-Foster explains in detail the implications of having multiple evils within a hive and how that can contribute to and be correlated with CCD. The researcher does so using samples from Hawaii, Pennsylvania Australia, and royal jelly from China.  On top of this the author gives a great background of the previous scientific findings about the cause and impact of CCD since 2004. This information contrasts the idea that mites are the main cause and instead points to undiscovered linkages between viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and metazoa. Although there are many linkages between the influences the largest is the connection between Kashmir bee virus (KBV) and Israeliacute paralysis virus (IAPV). IAPV is identified as the leading cause of CCD as well as pesticides used on plants that are pollinated. When IAPV is present KBV is also present leading to a declined health of the colony and thus vulnerability to other influences such as pesticides.

With what types of sub-topics (clusters) has this article been significant?

            Although this article is within the bee population cluster it has been influential in the ongoing crisis and novel overlapping gene clusters. All together clusters can be grouped into topics regarding Native Bee, Ongoing crisis, bee population, novel overlapping gene, metagenomic survey, amorpha caneseen and miscellaneous.

What clusters does this article have a great influence on?

   This article is mostly used within the “novel overlapping gene” cluster as a basis for many in depth chemistry and genetic testing of honey bees. Due to the extreme detail that Cox-Foster goes into when talking about the genetics and pathogens other chemists can use her basic data as a starting point and elaborate from there. Different researchers specifically take the data to examine the affect of Nosema ceranae, Israeli acute paralysisvirus and to develop a quantitative-PCR array (Evans). Without Cox-Foster’s basic understanding of these pathways and sequences, many other researchers would have to spend a lot more energy finding out the basics instead of being able to look more deeply into the topic they are studying. To be more specific, Cox-Foster gives a great summary of raw data that depicts the affect of certain bacteria and pathogens on honey bees. Other researchers are then able to use this data to compare and create their own sets that can draw many more conclusions than with just the use of their own data.

   However, this article is also greatly used within the “ongoing crisis” cluster. Within this cluster the article is used as evidence of the complexity of the diseases surrounding honey bees as well as fuel for research involving multiple disease testing at once. In this way it is able to affect not just the scientific world but also the social as well. This article is used as a large resource of proof that there are many facets of CCD that most people do not understand and when citing it many authors also compile Cox-Foster’s data with others. They do this in order to show their audience that CCD has more than just a few causes and thus is in need of a large research endeavor (see Morse and Kremen).

  A second influential article is by Xiaolong Yang and Cox-Foster together. In their article they look at the connection between mite infestation and immune-suppressing diseases within Honey bees. Their work tries to not only give insight into how an ectoparasite can affect the immunity and pathology of its invertebrate host but also lead to the development of methods to control Varroa mite-related damage to honey bees. Their methodologies are clearly stated and go into great detail of gene-expression infection of bees with E. Coli. Within this experiment they found that the V
arroa infestation was necessary to cause wing deformity in honey bees but was not sufficient to cause wing deformity alone. On top of this they also found that Varroa infestation suppresses expression of genes encoding defensin and abaecin in deformed wing bees.This indicated that gene expression of defensin and abaecin was suppressed in the deformed-wing bees but not solely by mite infestation. These two genes are antimicrobial agents and without these the immune response is thus hindered. This work demonstrated that varroa infestation suppressed immunity in honey bees by reducing the transcription of genes encoding antimicrobial peptides and immunity-related enzymes. In conclusion, they state that deformed wing syndrome as influenced by mites and bacteria is the main cause of CCD.

What clusters does it have a great influence on?

    The Metagenomic survey, miscellaneous, bee population and overlapping gene clusters are influenced by this article in a plethora of ways. While being located within the metagenomic cluster Yang’s findings are widely used to examine the genetic coding influence of honey bees and other invertebrates. More specifically mRNA is looked at very closely using Yang’s findings in order to see how bacteria is transferred and how new bacteria can emerge after original bacterial influences are identified. However, bacterial discovery while using this article as a resource is not just restricted to invertebrates. One researcher used this article to investigate the influence of bacterial viruses on humans and trees (Hughes). Another use of this research is to create a quantitative-PCR array that measures honey bee and pathogen genes with each other. This was also used in another article to examine the affect of deformed wing syndrome within different life stages of honey bees (Genersch). Overall, this article is a great resource for others to use when looking into the genetic implications of colony collapse disorder and its causes.


Cox-Foster, Diana L. , Sean Conlan, Vince Martinson, Dennis vanEngelsdorp, Abby L. Kalkstein, Andrew Drysdale, Jeffery Hui, Junhui Zhai, Liwang Cui, Stephen K. Hutchison, Jan Fredrik Simons, Michael Egholm, Edward C. Holmes, Jeffery S. Pettis, W. Ian Lipkin, Gustavo Palacios, Jay D. Evans, Nancy A. Moran, Phenix-Lan Quan, Thomas Briese, Mady Hornig, and David M. Geiser. "A Metagenomic Survey of Microbes in Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder." Science 318.5848 (2007): 283287. Science. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.

Evans, Jay D. . "Beepath: An ordered quantitative-PCR array for exploring honey bee immunity and disease ." Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 93.2 (2006): 135-139. Science Direct. Web. 2 May 2010. 

Genersch , Elke, and Constanze Yue. "RT-PCR analysis of Deformed wing virus in honeybees (Apis mellifera) and mites (Varroa destructor) ." Journal of General Virology 86 (2005): n. pag. Journal of General Virology. Web. 2 May 2010.

Hughes, Austin L. , and Helen Piontkivska. "Phylogeny of Trypanosomatidae and Bodonidae (Kinetoplastida) Based on 18S rRNA: Evidence for Paraphyly of Trypanosoma and Six Other Genera ." Molecular Biology and Evolution 20.4 (2003): 644-652. Oxford Journals. Web. 3 May 2010. 

Kremen, Claire, Neil M. Williams, and Robbin W. Thorp. "Crop pollination from native bees at risk from agricultural intensification." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99.26 (2002): 16812-16816. Crop Pollination from Native Bees at risk. Web. 4 May 2010. 
Yang, Xiaolong, and Diana L. Cox-Foster. "Impact of an ectoparasite on the immunity and pathology of an invertebrate: Evidence for host immunosuppression and viral amplification ." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102.21 (2005): 7470-7475. PNAS. Web. 29 Apr. 2010.